Finally one of my “to-do” items for NYC is crossed off! I’ve been wanting to come to this place for the longest time, especially after hearing all the hype about their frozen hot chocolate!
Sadly, the widespread fame of this place also attracts a TON of customers. And you know what many eager customers / tourists mean?
… One extremely long wait time. And one extremely hungry, and slightly irritable, child (aka me).
Nonetheless, I would say that the wait paid off as the frozen hot chocolate was amazing! (I must try making this concoction at home one day.) I mean, come on, hot chocolate that’s frozen?! This defies the law of science!! Did I mention that the cup they serve it in is like the size of a baby’s head?
Ok, but in all honestly, I do think that this drink is “overhyped”. I feel as though it basically is hot chocolate blended with ice chunks and milk, giving the drink a “frozen smoothie” sort of texture. Finally, the frozen drink is topped off with a giant heap of thick cream and chocolate flakes.
As this place is know for their desserts / drinks, and not their actual food, I ended up only ordering two different treats, which definitely sky rocketed my glucose level that day.
Besides Serendipity’s famous frozen hot chocolate, I also bought the Forbidden Broadway Sundae. (Cute name no?) It sounded too tempting to resist!
Look at that chocolate! It’s a fudge brownie cake draped in vanilla ice cream and smothered in hot fudge (and yes, I do mean hot! Just look at that fudge overflowing the cup!). Not to mention it’s coated with thin milk chocolate flakes.
I have to admit that this amount of food was simply sugar overdose for two people. By the time I got through half of my drink, my taste bud was screaming for something salty, like fries dunked in ketchup. But besides this minor setback, my friend and I braved our way through the thick chocolate fudge and brownie.

On the side note, if you hate the idea of waiting for a seat (which takes about 30 min – 1 hr), you can just put your name down and then wander to Dylan’s Candy Bar, which is conveniently located just down the block at 1011 3rd Ave (on the corner of 60th Street).
Serendipity 3
225 East 60th Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 838-3531
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